Membership Registration Form

Respected Chairman,
According to Ministry of Federal Affairs & General Administration, terms, regulations, morality and rules of a institutional body, I conform to obey all the rules and regulations for getting membership of share procurement Rs. depositing in the name of organization, I have submitted this application. I haven’t taken membership in any other similar organizations. So, I request you to provide the membership of this organization and all the general/ regular/ child/ monthly/ piggy bank account.

Member Details

Family Details

Relation Full Name Remarks
Husband / Wife
Grand Father
Sasuraa (For Women)


Nibedak wa najik ko natedaar ko rojgaar sambandhi thap jankaari ra samparka no. :

Samrakshaykko byakti ko Bibaran

Sadasya ko lagi sifaris garne

Nisi sunt velit ipsam, provident unde enim, quidem nesciunt repellendus nemo delectus natus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime dolor beatae consequatur, omnis, temporibus totam ullam.